Niall Horan es superfan del karaoke

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El galán siempre canta sus favoritas

Niall Horan nos reveló un secreto...

Al galán de One Direction nos confesó que es adicto al karaoke, y obvi nos dijo cuáles son sus canciones favoritas para cantar.

“Tengo algunas canciones que siempre canto en el karaoke. Una vez que empiezo, no pueden quitarme el micrófono. Siempre canto “With You” de Chris Brown por alguna razón. y claro que tampoco puedo dejar de cantar “I Want It That Way” de los Backstreet Boysdijo Niall durante una entrevista para E ntertainment Weekly .

Además contó quién es su mayor influencia musical:

“Mi banda favorita de todos los tiempos es “The Eagles”. Ellos me han influenciado en la musica que escucho ahora y en la manera en que escribo” añadió.

¡Nos encantaría escuchar un cover de sus canciones favoritas! ¿Y a ustedes?

“I have a few [go-to karaoke songs]. I never give back the mic once I start,” Niall told EW . “I always sing Chris Brown ?s ?With You? for some reason. I remember singing that in a talent show when I was about 14. And then of course, you can?t step away from Backstreet Boys , either. ?I Want It That Way.?”

Source: Niall Horan Reveals His Go-To Karaoke Songs! | Niall Horan, One Direction | Just Jared Jr. |

Visit:Just Jared Jr. | Twitter | Facebook

“I have a few [go-to karaoke songs]. I never give back the mic once I start,” Niall told EW . “I always sing Chris Brown ?s ?With You? for some reason. I remember singing that in a talent show when I was about 14. And then of course, you can?t step away from Backstreet Boys , either. ?I Want It That Way.?”

Source: Niall Horan Reveals His Go-To Karaoke Songs! | Niall Horan, One Direction | Just Jared Jr. |

Visit:Just Jared Jr. | Twitter | Facebook

“I have a few [go-to karaoke songs]. I never give back the mic once I start,” Niall told EW . “I always sing Chris Brown ?s ?With You? for some reason. I remember singing that in a talent show when I was about 14. And then of course, you can?t step away from Backstreet Boys , either. ?I Want It That Way.?”

Source: Niall Horan Reveals His Go-To Karaoke Songs! | Niall Horan, One Direction | Just Jared Jr. |

Visit:Just Jared Jr. | Twitter | Facebook

“I have a few [go-to karaoke songs]. I never give back the mic once I start,” Niall told EW . “I always sing Chris Brown ?s ?With You? for some reason. I remember singing that in a talent show when I was about 14. And then of course, you can?t step away from Backstreet Boys , either. ?I Want It That Way.?”

Source: Niall Horan Reveals His Go-To Karaoke Songs! | Niall Horan, One Direction | Just Jared Jr. |

Visit:Just Jared Jr. | Twitter | Facebook

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